Being convicted of a misdemeanor DUI has landed you a criminal record. Have you heard about sealing your record? If you have a DUI misdemeanor conviction on your record in Nevada, you may petition the Court of jurisdiction to seal your DUI arrest and conviction. Misdemeanor DUI convictions are eligible to be sealed in Las Vegas, Clark County or any county in Nevada; but, you must have stayed out of trouble for 7 years since your case closed out. Keep in mind felony DUI convictions are not eligible for record sealing.
If your misdemeanor DUI case was dismissed, then you do not have to wait 7 years and can typically start the sealing process right away. If your DUI was amended to a lesser offense, such as reckless driving, then you only have to wait 1 year to seal your record.
The process involves gathering up your Nevada DPS criminal history, police records and court records. After you have those items, you or an attorney must prepare a Petition and Order to seal to be filed with the Court.
Watch this video for a brief description of the process.
Keep in mind other crimes may be sealed as well. Most crimes have a shorter waiting period than a misdemeanor DUI. Many arrests and convictions can be grouped together and sealed at the same time as well. So speak to a record sealing attorney on what options you may have to seal your record.