Anger Management – Impulse Control
Course Contents
Anger is a natural human response which is frequently in response to frustration, or of feelings that something important is being blocked or thwarted.
We all get angry. How we deal with anger is what anger management addresses. Actions such as violent responses to triggers are learned behaviors and can be unlearned. This course will introduce you to building new skills and introduce you to a toolbox of techniques to give you back control when you experience anger impulses. This course will address the effects that uncontrolled anger has on your life, the lives of loved ones and all the people we interact with. This course will teach you how to control your anger instead of it controlling you.
This course is 100% online. Sign in and out as often as you like, whenever you like. The course will keep track of your time and progress. It is compatible with tablets, smartphones and computers.
You will be required to take a final exam and pass with a minimum score of 70% in order to receive your certificate of completion. You are guaranteed to pass this course as you may take the final exam unlimited times.
This course is composed of four sections.
Part 1 is an introduction to what is anger and anger management. Part 2 discusses understanding anger, domestic deaths in Nevada and understanding when anger becomes a problem and how to manage it. Part 3 gives you tools to effectively expressing anger and managing anger impulse control. Part 4 review the legal ramifications and prevention along with exercises to control and coping with stress
Each section has unit assignments that are electronically graded and not shared with courts or any other person. The assignments are to benefit you and you alone.
Finally, the course helps build skills to prevent recidivism (or lapsing into criminal behavior again). It presents techniques, resources, and helps students build skills and a plan to control impulses. In this way students learn to prevent and/or change behavior that can lead in harmful directions.